Governance Support
Many small business owners spend all their time working in the business and no time working on the business. Engage with WK to help unlock the potential of your business through strong governance.
Running your own business in today’s environment of constant change and complexity of legislation can be lonely!
Inevitably, many small business owners spend their entire time working “in” the business and spend no time working “on” the business. A lack of good governance practices is one of the main reasons why most small businesses don’t achieve their objectives.
Engage with us to assist in unlocking the potential of your business by setting up good governance.
We can help you create effective governance in your family business and to gain the support and alignment of other family members.
We will also help you put the right governance structures in place to ensure everyone in the family is clear about their role, as well as their rights and responsibilities.
How we deliver
Our methodology ensures you have to hold regular governance meetings and that the board meetings are focused on achieving your business objectives. We meet with you on a regular cycle to ensure that key people in your business are held accountable for their required actions.
Good governance is simple when it is well structured and implemented. Simply making the decision to go governance well, will result in bottom line growth for your business.
When providing governance support, our services are tightly integrated with our strategic planning services. We use a ‘One Page Plan’ that incorporates short term action plans. This provides clarity on which strategies to implement, to change and where actions are not meeting expectations.
The key benefits of the ‘Governance Support’ process are:
- Regular meetings that force you to work on your business, not in your business
- Accountability meetings to ensure you do what was agreed and when it was agreed to
- Setting good board strategy
- Implementing all applicable monitoring systems
- A business expert that has a deep understanding of your business to talk to
Governance support is just one way that WK can truly partner with you and help drive your business to meet your objectives.